You most likely came to this page because you found 'merchpayout' or 'merch payout' on your credit card statement. The aforementioned search term you have searched is not a trademarked term at all.
Have you recently downloaded a new software or app? They typically come along with a merchpayout or merch payout account. When you download the software or app, you are also applying for a merchpayout or merch payout account for credit card processing. By adding a new software or app you will start seeing charges/deposits from a merchpayout or merch payout account.
If you see a merchpayout or merch payout charge/deposit on your credit card/bank account statement you should contact the company of the software that you have recently downloaded.
Most software/app providers use the same merchpayout or merch payout provider to handle credit card processing. Hence, the descriptor will be 'merchpayout' or 'merch payout'. Although the software provider has the option to add a secondary descriptor that will help identify the charge/deposit, many choose not to do so and it is left with the generic 'merchpayout' or 'merch payout' descriptor.
PayFacs, such as Payrix, will show a phone number 844.775.2748 after the merchpayout or merch payout descriptor as mentioned on When you call that number the auto-recorded message will advise you to call your software provider.
You can read more about it on their webpage:, or reach out to your software provider or developer.
A PayFac, specifically a "PayFac-as-a-Service" platform, provides the technology and infrastructure for software companies to act as payment facilitators (PayFacs) within their own applications, managing payment processing, underwriting, and compliance aspects for them; essentially allowing them to embed payment functionalities directly into their software without having to build the complex payment infrastructure themselves.